... Warburton , William , bp . , 1699–1779 . 1328 Christiau associat'ou press ... author by Richard Hurd ...... .A now edition in two volumes . London ... in author's plan ) pub- 1227521984bog ' death . Cluna ST36 Warburg , James ...
... William , 153 , 155 Terry , Richard , 379n1 test of time , 19 , 74 ; as abstraction of value , 166–70 ; Johnson on ... Warburton , William , 236– 8 , 241 , 365n67 Warner , William , 92 Warton , Joseph : on Dryden , 256 ; on Mil ...
... Warburton was proceeding with his magnum opus ; and , July 1 , 1740 , tells Dr. Doddridge , " I have been about two months in Author , which did not fall under their consideration ; so that we are like to be shortly furnished with a ...
... Warburton was proceeding with his magnum opus ; and , July 1 , 1740 , tells Dr. Doddridge , “ I have been about two months in Author , which did not fall under their consideration ; so that we are like to be shortly furnished with a ...
Alexander Pope William Warburton. Wife , if a Minister ; but , if a King , More wife , more learn'd , more juft ... in Author ty , muit give no offence . VER . 141. Court - Virtues bear , like Gems , etc. ] This whole reflection ...
... author was an Arminian divine . The cata- logue of the Brit . Mus . dates this 1744 , but this is not the date in the copy in author's ... ( William ) Christ alone exalted . 12mo . Lond . Warburton's remarks , & c . , tending to show that the ...