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inauthor: Thomas Francis Gordon daripada
... Gordon Livingston Henry Livingston Sophia Love R Alary Long Ann Lunedale Elizabeth Lawlhn Thomas ... inby Joseph pp ("iiilheriiil* dlord John Jamo1; st Jolt n ... Francis. Tardy Stephen Tardy mailam ThayerTll S Taylor Wm T'i\ lor Lnueta ...
inauthor: Thomas Francis Gordon daripada
... Thomas F Adams and Larry French al Livermore Falls The record of the April 19 meeling recorded that the program was a talk b> Kat> Chaffee, Slarks on the inby ... Gordon Haley and Skender Liedl.
inauthor: Thomas Francis Gordon daripada
... f .Inly iii-xli will bo returned to the Gcnetai tat OlH«e Afl (load lellera ... Gordon S. lluhbard 2, Ed- vard Harding, John nulhcrl, capti Harris 11 ... Thomas N.oson 2, John Nevil, Mrs. Eli xabetb Noblu. O—AIn.. UuLscyJOdien. P ...
inauthor: Thomas Francis Gordon daripada
... In author is a v*Uran writer on Political EcoJtMS$>*i> bisviewttotb ... Thomas in tb* East had, owing to Iheir in. want ol thltJt, become preally m ... Gordon, *i magistrate and member of the Colonial Assembly, and the Jamaica ...
inauthor: Thomas Francis Gordon daripada
... Thomas J. K ; Porter, Robert IV.. Ruta. Vincent. Pa.«s —Bannister. John L ... Francis, Jeffrey A ; Francis, Peter J.; Fulford. Lallta T.: Giles. Mark W ... Gordon P. Distinction.— Order of Merit: Flnkelsteln, Raymond A.; McKay ...
inauthor: Thomas Francis Gordon daripada
... Thomas. Purnell and Queen West. ' Albert and Dclores Yanccy. GIRLS Thomas and Mable Boykln. James and Coa Bynum. Oliver and Elva Chase. Arthur and Josephine Dorgin. John and Melrose Garner. Shirley Gordon, Thruman and Catherine Herring ...
inauthor: Thomas Francis Gordon daripada
... Thomas, and loved mother ot Doris t Mrs A Skoltonl. Phvlils (Mrs A Adlcr) ... Gordon, deu. brother-in-law of Peggy, ngcd 41 years See Tuesday s ' Herald ... FRANCIS, of Bellevue Hill, are advised that his Funeral will leave our ...
inauthor: Thomas Francis Gordon daripada
... inby ; fchr. Violet., Hays ; brig Tele inaclms, Cioodwin ; fchr hlixa, Otis, ar- nved i»ic evening .captain -p. lefi, from N. g al! wt-ll, captain Corr, of Mar- , J-jfl ai rived, and bountl forBilboa. 6, f|;oke brig Thomas I'inckney ...
inauthor: Thomas Francis Gordon daripada
... Thomas Mackrell. late Kyosle. N.SW and 8'rnthbmjle. Victoria i\ I ATHBSON — On Aprl 28. al 48 M v'nf-Sr Windsor. Elizabeth Ann lov<-d wife ol Alexander, and lor_ng mother of Francis. Nelson (dec) In '— T4r AY (dec ), Alexander Idee ...
inauthor: Thomas Francis Gordon daripada
... Gordon Kyle. Joe' CYlsrmil, chief tnrflor, will he costumed in keeping with ... Thomas Donaldson. George E. Bean, Arnold Goldsbor- ough, W. W. Laird ... Francis T Monaghan, Frank J. Murphy Men's Shop. The Penrose, Pippin, Klnna ...