When Alva Newcomb was born on 9 July 1856, in Kokomo, Center Township, Howard, Indiana, United States, her father, William Ayres Newcomb, was 29 and her ...
Tiada: inauthor: S.
When Alvah Newcomb Stratton was christened on 12 September 1813, in Montague, Franklin, Massachusetts, United States, his father, Calvin Stratton, was 44 and ...
Tiada: inauthor: S.
S. Herbert S. Stone & Co. Chicago. Sc. Scott, Foresman & Co. Chicago. Scr ... Newcomb, infra); Life of Sir William Herschel; Monograph of the Central ...
THE MILITIA. The militia of this State, under the law, is composed, firi,t, of all able bodied male citizens between the ages of eighteen.
Across the Plains, Mountains, and Deserts: A Bibliography of the Oregon-. California Trail .
Miss Yourlovin: GIs, Gender, and Domesticity during World War II. Sources Consulted: Archival Collections, Criminal Division, United States Department of ...
She began making wild claims and accusations to Flagler's doctor and personal friend, George S. ... Alvah H. Chapman, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. R. Layton Mank Mr ...
Her great-grandfathers on both sides were in the Revolutionary war. Her father was colonel of an Indiana regiment, and his son, Henry S. Fitch, was brigade ...
T h e A m erican B oard o p C om m issioners f o r F o re ig n M ission s held its Forty-sixth Annual Meeting in the First Presbyterian Church,. Utica, New York ...
Copyngnt, 1900, by The S S. McC ure Co. Entered at N . Y , Post-Oft ice as ... Alvah Milton Kerr 87 Terms: $1.00 a Year in Advance; 10 Cents a Number ...