This book holistically explores issues when two entities share a border, such as sovereign countries, dependent states and others, where each seeks to maximize their political and economic interests regardless of impacts on the environment.
The disputes may evolve from historical and/or cultural claims, or they may be brought on by competition of resource exploitation. This book sets out to present a guide to resource management in disputed areas throughout the world.
This fully updated edition of the China Ethnic Statistic Yearbook, comprised of entirely original research, presents data on the socioeconomic situation of China’s 56 ethnic groups.
This fourth revised edition sets out to analyze and compare the operational mechanisms of the Chinese economy between the pre- and post-reform periods and through national, regional and local dimensions.
This book provides a broad collection of data on China’s 56 ethnic groups and profiles the demography, cultural, economy, and business climates for each of China’s diverse ethnic groups.
This book delves more deeply into issues surrounding the economy than other books, offering a unique and important perspective that many will find useful.