... Robert Rinehart Publishers , 1991 . Rodman , Paul . " Colorado as a Pioneer of Science in the Mining West ... Gomes , and Allen Kanner , eds . Ecopsychology : Restoring the Earth , Healing the Mind . San Francisco : Sierra Club ...
... Gomes. 2001. “Relatorios Referente as Irregularidades Atuais, Existentes nos Cemiterios, Sede, Distritos e Vilas de Timbaúba.” Prefeitural Municipal de Timbaúba, April 19. (in author's possession) GAJOP (Gabinete de Assessoria Jurídica ...
... Gomes for research assistance and to Hugh Graham and Laura Kalman for helpful suggestions. I owe a special debt to ... Robert B. Jones, Margaret Keesee, Larry E. Leonard, Ernest B. Messer, Robie Nash, Ned R. Smith, and Margaret ...