Forty years after his starship escapes from an apocalyptic Earth, Commander Albert Raft and his crew return to a much younger and violent Earth society that wants to embrace Raft as a god because of his telepathic powers.
The Sea and Summer, published in the US as The Drowning Towers is George Turner's masterful exploration of the effects of climate change in the not-too-distant future.
Contains: A Pursuit of Miracles Not in Front of the Children Feedback Shut the Door When You Go Out On the Nursery Floor In a Petri Dish Upstairs Generation Gap The Fittest
Reverend George Turner (c1817- 1891) was the author of: Nineteen Years in Polynesia: Missionary Life, Travels and Researches in the Islands of the Pacific (1861) and Samoa: A Hundred Years Ago and Long Before (1884).